The presence of sulforaphane in broccoli boosts the protective enzyme. Broccoli is a nutritious vegetable that babies can consume from the start of their weaning journey. Those evil chemicals that are all around you and mimic estrogen once inside your body. It can be effectively used to help with constipation, weight, and more. So should you Only fool people never change their mind. Among the various broccoli health benefits for men, cancer prevention is a major one. For obese individuals with type 2 diabetes, broccoli extract may be what the doctor ordered. The most important health benefits of broccoli sprouts include its ability to lower signs of premature aging, slow the progression of chronic disease, boost heart health, optimize gastrointestinal function, boost the immune system, and even lower the risk of autism, among others.. Chronic inflammation can lead to weight gain and disease. It is believed that every serving of broccoli serves the bones well. Nutrients in broccoli like vitamin C, chromium, and calcium promote weight loss. Also, it relaxes the tension and stress on the veins and blood vessels. If you have questions for me, you can subscribe to my newsletter and send me an email by replying to the newsletter that you will receive. Thus, it promotes the quality and production of seminal fluid and sperms. 9 Health Benefits of Broccoli, According to a Nutritionist ... Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States. However, keep in mind that good health doesn’t come from any single food. This compound revamps the cellular metabolism in the body. Research shows that sulforaphane, a key bioactive compound in broccoli, may have the capacity to slow the biochemical process of aging by increasing the expression of antioxidant genes (37). Benefits of eating raw broccoli. Some research also supports the notion that specific antioxidants in broccoli may reduce your overall risk of heart attack (7). Here is what you need to do to have the best possible heart health: Scientists also noted broccoli health benefits for men through the process of cholesterol reduction. Besides Vitamin K, the magnesium, calcium, folate, and Vitamin B and C are vital for bone growth as well. And also don’t forget to share this post on the social networks. Many of the nutrients found in broccoli are known to support healthy bones and may prevent bone-related disorders. Eating broccoli may support better blood sugar control in people with diabetes. Other natural plant compounds in broccoli called carotenoids have health benefits, too. Still, more human research is needed to determine a cause-and-effect relationship between dietary intake of broccoli and its effect on the aging process. References: But it is true that there is no scientific cure for common cold. It will give you 10x more love than you give to it. Or perhaps you know some other benefits that we did not mention? Broccoli is a rich source of folate that enhances the production of semen and sperms. Tags: broccoli, folate, protein, video, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc. Vitamin A present in it will increase sperm count. And all of these are present in the broccoli! Is this post helping you learn the top fantastic broccoli health benefits for men? © 2017 OlivierHealthTips. This article discusses 10 foods that can help relieve inflammation and fight…, Everyone knows that vegetables are good for your health, but some truly stand out from the rest. Learn more about its health benefits and how much to … Erectile dysfunction (ED) can affect men from time to time, but it is estimated that between 15 percent and 25 percent of men over 65 have ED on a long-term basis. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Then let me tell you that eating raw broccoli is more beneficial as it has more nutrients in it. Here are 14 of the healthiest leafy green vegetables you…. your own Pins on Pinterest The Top 8 Broccoli Health Benefits for Men. It induces stronger and longer orgasms and improves the rate of fertility in males. It also prevents allergic reactions, boosts the immune system, protects the skin, prevents birth defects, lowers blood pressure, eliminates inflammation, and improves vision and ocular health. Do you want to learn what it can do for your sexual and overall health? Keep loving the good foods for your health. Including this nutritious vegetable in your healthy, balanced diet may help you achieve your health goals more easily. Creator of the Juicing For Your Manhood programs and the #1 men’s health blog Olivier Health tips main editor. Folate is an essential nutrient for the development of the fetal brain and spinal cord. Benefits of Broccoli for Skin: Anti-aging and Wrinkle free skin: Broccoli is rich in Vitamin C, which fights against the free radicals that are harmful for the Skin and cause damage to the skin. Our eyes tend to suffer greatly. As you will see, with all the amazing broccoli health benefits for men, the broccoli certainly deserves the title of superfood for men! Often sulforaphane causes the cancer cells to self-destruct; this process is called the apoptosis. Further, broccoli is a rich source of minerals like phosphorus and selenium. Gives You Good Skin: Since broccoli is great for your skin health, it ensures that you have good health and good skin. Some people love broccoli and some people hate it, but there’s no denying that broccoli is a nutritional wonder. The broccoli is full of vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, and zinc. Broccoli is known to be a hearty and tasty vegetable which is … Since broccoli is high in vitamin A and K, it helps the body to absorb vitamin D. And the vitamin D is vital for testosterone production. Hence, it attracts toxins and heavy metals and transports them out of the body. A study published in the medical journal "Endocrinology" notes that green tea contains the antioxidant phytochemicals polyphenols and flavonoids, which help to balance the production of androgen hormones. Chopping and heating make the cancer-fighting constituents of tomatoes and broccoli more bioavailable." The cup of raw broccoli has 12 grams of fiber that support healthy digestion and it feeds beneficial bacteria in a gut that helps for immunity, mood, and anti-inflammation. This vegetable of the cabbage species Brassica family has been kept in the category of a superfood, which can be cooked and eaten completely and also as a lightly steamed salad. Multiple small studies have shown that eating cruciferous vegetables may protect against certain types of cancer, namely: Though this data is encouraging, it isn’t strong enough to make definitive health claims regarding broccoli’s role in cancer treatment or prevention. It is a type of protein found in the bone. One of broccoli’s biggest advantages is its nutrient content. Adult men and women require 90 and 75 milligrams of vitamin C, respectively. Broccoli is slightly bitter in taste because of a sulfur-containing compound. Health Benefits of Broccoli Sprouts. Nutritionally, broccoli is rich in many micronutrients and phytochemicals that can benefit health over time. His mission is to teach men to reinvigorate their lives using the power of juicing. Skin cancer is on the rise due in part to a damaged ozone layer and increased exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays (49). By - TNN. 18. A study in mice fed broccoli sprouts revealed a potentially protective effect against cell death and oxidative stress in heart tissue following a cardiac arrest (24). It is also thought to have weight loss and improved metabolism effects, and raise insulin sensitivity of the muscles and tissues. Kaempferol, a flavonoid found in broccoli, may also play a role in preventing periodontitis (39, 40). "When tomatoes are cooked, for example, the water is … Sulforaphane in broccoli prevents blindness by protecting the eyes from UV radiation. This binding makes the cholesterol easier to excrete, and consequently lessens cholesterol levels in the body. It’s closely related to cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale and cauliflower — all edible plants collectively referred to as cruciferous vegetables. You could learn about all the fruits and vegetables to protect you against the virility vampires. Broccoli is a very rich nutrient. One cup (91 grams) of raw broccoli packs (1): Broccoli can be eaten cooked or raw — both are perfectly healthy but provide different nutrient profiles. Mayo is a popular condiment for sandwiches and often used as a base for salad dressings and sauces. Read more. Broccoli contains sulfur, which is a sticky molecule. What foods have the most health benefits for men? A daily intake of 100–200 mg of vitamin C seems to be sufficient to prevent certain infections (38). Spinach Benefits For Men – Was Popeye Onto Something? Learn more. Like most cruciferous vegetables, broccoli too has cancer-fighting properties. Why is broccoli so healthy for us? Broccoli florets exert antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting nitric oxide, which plays a role in inflammatory responses. Lutein and zeaxanthin antioxidants present in broccoli is very crucial for the human eyes. Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a compound derived from the digestion of indole-3-carbinol (I3C), found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. Broccoli has a high fiber content. Don't believe us? Additionally, higher intake of fiber-rich foods like broccoli is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease (25). But I am telling you. Eating broccoli is associated with a lower risk of cancer particularly lung and colon cancer. Detox also aids better absorption of nutrients present in the body. It also contains a water source. Broccoli is one of the best foods to increase testosterone! The benefits of broccoli and garlic for prostate health A new study has begun to test whether broccoli and garlic can help improve prostate health. Nutrition experts say that by eating broccoli every day, you greatly reduce your chance to have cancer one day. italica) is an edible green plant in the cabbage family (family Brassicaceae, genus Brassica) whose large flowering head, stalk and small associated leaves are eaten as a vegetable. This, in turn, keeps the heart working properly by regulating blood pressure. Choosing a diet focused on whole grains, fruits, and a variety of vegetables can lead to a longer life, fewer health problems, and a trim waistline. The presence of the phytochemicals sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol help lower body weight. Oct 25, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Amanda Kopitz. Antioxidants help defend your cells from damage. Including a new variety of broccoli in the diet reduces the LDL blood cholesterol levels by 6%. Health breakfast with vegetables broccoli for overweight person. As you can see, vegetables are crucial for improving many aspects of your health, including better sexual health. Do you wonder what the broccoli health benefits for men are? Know what is broccoli good for here. Elevated “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels are known to be major risk factors for heart disease. He has developed a new passion for juicing and has done a lot of experiments with foods possessing healing properties. Vegetables are a very important food group on a low-carb diet. He is trying to go on a diet. Juicing For Your Manhood: 17 delicious recipes to increase your testosterone naturally. De broccoli wordt geoogst voordat de bloemknoppen uit elkaar gaan staan en uitlopen. Health Benefits Most of the health benefits of broccoli sprouts come from their high level of glucoraphanin. Folate work miraculously for men it increases the semen production which ultimately leads to stronger orgasm and improved fertility. These nutrients all contribute to make the broccoli a fantastic food. It’s loaded with a wide array of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other bioactive compounds. Diet fat man eating healthy food. Broccoli Benefits 1. And this acts as a defense against the production of LDL cholesterol. Research indicates that bioactive compounds in broccoli may protect against UV radiation damage which leads to skin cancer. Bowel regularity and a strong community of healthy bacteria within your colon are two vital components to digestive health. Research indicates that vitamin C plays a role in both the prevention and treatment of various illnesses. Broccoli is the package full of fiber, nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants. Cooking broccoli is quite simple: put some in a microwave-safe container, add a little water, and cook it for a couple … The broccoli is a very healthy food. Of all of the cruciferous vegetables, broccoli has the highest amount of these plant protective compounds. The presence of sulforaphane in broccoli has anti-inflammatory properties. Probably the most publicized health benefit of broccoli is its possible ability to help prevent cancer. Broccoli is very much visible in the market these days. Taking DHEA supplements may have benefits for conditions such as depression and osteoporosis. Because it’s closely tied to cabbage and has many of the same nutrition benefits, the word broccoli comes from the Italian plural of broccolo, which means “the flowering crest of a cabbage.” Broccoli Treatment (BT) has two effects at the same time. Prevent Premature Aging This article reviews whether mayo is safe when…. Know what is broccoli good for here. And this effect increases the risk of coronary artery disease. Also, it reduces the risk of both stroke and heart attack. In some animal studies, treatment with broccoli extract resulted in significantly reduced tumor growth and prevalence in mice with UV radiation-induced skin cancer (49, 50, 51). Broccoli is technically an edible green plant in the cabbage family, which is part of the larger plant family called Brassica oleracea. Eat broccoli for good memories, know its more benefits. They will protect your cell membranes and protect you from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Broccoli Sprouts health benefits include promoting cardiovascular health, fighting inflammation, prevent autism, promoting digestive health, preventing cancer, managing diabetes, enhance the skin, promote brain health, good for respiratory system, prevent premature aging, and support overall body health. Test-tube and animal studies indicate that sulforaphane may offer multiple health benefits, including reduced blood sugar, cholesterol levels, oxidative stress and chronic disease development. Broccoli is merely one of numerous healthy foods that can contribute to optimal health. It is a good carb and the high fiber content of broccoli aids digestion. Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Fighting Cancer. Chinese broccoli is an edible green plant which is cultivated for its edible flower stalks. 9 Sulforaphane, the natural isothiocyanate in broccoli also helps in fighting inflammation. A study in mice on a broccoli diet found reduced levels of inflammation in the colon, as well as favorable changes in gut bacteria (29). Broccoli is a good source of vitamin C and calcium, two nutrients associated with a decreased risk of periodontal disease. One study noticed significantly reduced triglycerides and “bad” LDL cholesterol, as well as increased “good” HDL cholesterol levels in people who were treated with a powdered broccoli sprout supplement (23). Green tea is popularly consumed for its antioxidant benefits. Broccoli juice serves as an excellent source of vitamin K. Each 4-ounce serving of juice provides 134.6 micrograms of vitamin K, the entire daily recommended intake for women and men. Eating broccoli regularly helps control chronic diseases such as … facebooktwitterPintrest. Broccoli has long been touted as one of the healthiest vegetables because of its nutritional content and benefits. Authors Hannah R Vasanthi 1 , Subhendu Mukherjee, Dipak K Das. Broccoli has different varieties and comes in several colors, such as white, red, green, and purplish-green. Celery is also a rich source of many minerals and vitamins, which act as antioxidants. NMN produces another compound important for energy metabolism – this compound fuels energy in our bodies, potentially eliminating some of the signs associated with aging ( … Aug 8, 2013 - Did you know that broccoli benefits bone health, lowers cancer risk, and also help fight skin damage. Regular consumption of folate-rich foods like broccoli can help ensure healthy pregnancy outcomes. The potential lecithin benefits for men are fabulously discussed and may seem quite overwhelming. All rights reserved. It is when food possesses many very cool benefits that people call it a superfood. Also, it switches off the genes to prevent replicating and spreading. TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Bananas has various benefits for men’s health. The broccoli collectively activates, offsets and kills unwanted contaminants from the body. This, in turn, aids the process of excreting cholesterol out of the body. © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. So putting it in testosterone boosting recipes is great. Broccoli is rich in Vitamin K which is vital for the formation of osteocalcin. The first one is … Ultimately, more human research is needed to determine the relationship between cruciferous vegetables and cancer prevention. Broccoli is also a good source of fiber. Ultimately, more research is needed to understand how broccoli and its bioactive components may protect skin from sun damage. This crunchy, flavoursome vegetable goes with a range of foods and is easy to cook, making it a great item to include in your everyday meals. Male trying to lose weight but he can no longer eat cabbage. This article lists 13 foods that have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. As we said, broccoli flushes out toxins from the body. 2009 Jun;9(6):749-59. doi: 10.2174/138955709788452685. Updated: Sep 2, 2020, 19:18 IST. One of the celery benefits for men is its ability to improve fertility. Cooking broccoli destroys sulfurophane. The 10 Best Foods to Eat If You Have Arthritis, 13 Foods That Could Lower Your Risk of Cancer, The 13 Most Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Can Eat, 19 High-Protein Vegetables and How to Eat More of Them, Purple cauliflower — despite its name a type of broccoli. Broccoli is rich in fiber and antioxidants — both of which may support healthy bowel function and digestive health. Small human studies have achieved similar results, revealing a significant protective effect of broccoli extract against skin damage and cancer development after sun exposure (49). Broccoli rids the body of excess estrogen which boosts the testosterone count. Here are 14 of the healthiest vegetables on the…, Many foods contain beneficial compounds that could help decrease the growth of cancer. The broccoli is a very healthy food. Broccoli puree, mash, stew, curry, and soups are some recipes that you can feed in small amounts to your baby across meals. On average 10-20 percent of I3C is metabolized to DIM. 12 health benefits of broccoli. 4: Broccoli While virtually all vegetables deserve a place on the superfoods list, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are helpful in the prevention of heart disease and cancer. Your body requires a multitude of vitamins, minerals and protein during pregnancy to support both baby and mother. The fiber in broccoli soaks up the toxins in our body which otherwise gets dumped into the bowels. Help your friends to improve their sexual and overall health too by eating broccoli every day! One human study showed significantly decreased insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes who consumed broccoli sprouts daily for one month (19). Nervous System Broccoli contains a high amount of potassium, which helps maintain a healthy nervous system and optimal brain function, as well as promotes regular muscle growth. There have been many health claims over the years about broccoli and whether it could be labelled a ‘superfood’ or not, but its nutrient-rich profile does offer some real health benefits. A diet rich in vitamin C might also help reduce your risk of heart disease, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. Broccoli is a great source of fiber both in raw and steamed form. This post explores the broccoli health benefits for men. A small human study in tobacco smokers also revealed that eating broccoli led to a significant reduction in markers of inflammation (11). Vitamin C is arguably the most essential nutrient for immune function — and broccoli is loaded with it. Vegetables high in folate include spinach (also high in magnesium that helps dilate blood vessels), asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, beets, Swiss chard, bok choy and cabbage. After doing my fair share of research regarding the elusive spinach benefits for men, I have to admit that I’m pleasantly surprised. Additionally, an animal study showed that mice treated with kaempferol — a compound in broccoli — had lowered incidence of brain injury and reduced inflammation of neural tissue following a stroke-like event (32). Moreover, the vitamin B present in broccoli reduces the effect of homocysteine. Food for Men No. In that case, feel free to attempt my new challenge…. Packed with nutrients but low in calories, leafy greens are crucial to a wholesome diet. Further, the broccoli is one of the recommended healthy foods to detox the body naturally. This vegetable of the cabbage species Brassicca family has Eat broccoli for good memories, know its more benefits - Stuff Unknown 13 Health Benefits of Broccoli Use Raw Broccoli to Supercharge Your Body. Broccoli belongs to the family of cruciferous vegetables, like kale, cabbage, kale, and watercress. Broccoli is a good source of B vitamins — namely B9, also known as folate. Different cooking methods, such as boiling, microwaving, stir-frying and steaming, alter the vegetable’s nutrient composition, particularly reducing vitamin C, as well as soluble protein and sugar. So putting it in testosterone boosting recipes is great. They can help lower your chances of getting heart disease and boost your immune system , … If you are confused either we should eat broccoli raw or cooked. It renders protection not only against carcinogen but other toxins like air pollutants as well. Potential health benefits of broccoli- a chemico-biological overview Mini Rev Med Chem. Follow On Facebook. Men eating more than one serving (just ½ a cup) of broccoli and cauliflower per week have been found to lower their risk of developing aggressive types of prostate cancer. There are three main varieties of broccoli: Broccoli is a nutritional powerhouse full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. For losing weight, gaining muscle, and lowering your risk of prostate cancer, check out these healthy foods. Broccoli has a strong impact on the body’s detox system. 6 Health Benefits of Broccoli. Broccoli is a green vegetable that vaguely resembles a miniature tree. Young broccoli sprouts are very rich in glucoraphanin. Arthritis is a condition that causes joint pain, stiffness and swelling. When I was a kid, I am not sure that I liked it. The Benefits Of Broccoli free download - Broccoli Kids, Broccoli Bombshell, Broccoli Samurai, and many more programs Lecithin, when consumed in your diet, has a little chance of side effects, but if you are taking more concentrated or high doses, then there is a risk of possible side effects. You will encounter both water and vitamin C. There are also vitamin E, vitamins A, vitamins K, and vitamin B6. It seems like good old Popeye knew he was getting something pretty unique by popping out cans of spinach. The combination of water and fiber helps for health management. Broccoli is high in fiber. It goes great with fruit and vegetables too, so it’s great for juicing for health. Further, broccoli is rich in Vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin B, and vitamin E. So all of these promote long-lasting glow on the skin. This is why broccoli seed extract is the way to go. Learn that in Juicing For Your Manhood: 17 delicious recipes to increase your testosterone naturally. What are the benefits of broccoli? This can lead to reduced inflammation and an overall health-protective effect. Even better, the entire broccolini can be eaten – stems and all. Moreover, broccoli is rich in antioxidants like quercetin which lowers high blood pressure. The word broccoli comes from the Italian plural of broccolo, which means "the flowering crest of a cabbage", and is the diminutive form of brocco, meaning "small nail" or "sprout". Additional research indicates that the sulforaphane found in broccoli may reduce your risk of oral cancers (41). Broccoli is a good source of vitamin K and calcium, two vital nutrients for maintaining strong, healthy bones (42, 43, 44). A combination of tomatoes and broccoli in the diet seems the best weapon men possess. Packed with soluble fiber, broccoli too like most whole foods draws out cholesterol from the body. Controls Diabetes . Health benefits of this cruciferous vegetable include … 5-6 Different Types of Broccoli’s You Can Grow In Your terrace or Garden Broccoli is the vegetable plant which is. Home » Nutrition » Broccoli health benefits for men: What it can do for your sexual health? Lecithin is a powerful drug that can cover various diseases and can provide numerous health benefits. Getting rid of virility vampires is a great way to increase your T levels. And this boosts oxygenation and blood flow in the essential organs including the penis. Besides helping your heart and your waistline and preventing prostate cancer, a diet rich in certain vegetables can improve your sexual health. What’s more, it gets converted to sulforaphane. #broccolibenefits #plantbaseddiet #broccoli What happens to the body when you eat 1 head/stalk of broccoli a day? Sulforaphane switches on the cancer suppressing genes in the body. Health benefits of broccoli. Here are 10 health benefits of broccoli. Broccoli is very much visible in the market these days. For more great posts on male health, check these out: Also, daily broccoli eating even renews dead skin cells. The new type of broccoli contains 2-3 times more of the naturally occurring compound glucoraphanin. Adding broccoli in your diet is a good way to boost testosterone levels. The human immune system is complex and requires a multitude of nutrients to function properly. Broccoli contains a wide array of nutrients, some of which are known to support oral health and prevent dental diseases. Broccoli is a nutrient-rich vegetable that may enhance your health in a variety of ways, such as by reducing inflammation, improving blood sugar control, boosting immunity and promoting heart health. Additionally, some animal studies indicate that broccoli eaten by the mother may support healthier cognitive development of the newborn (47, 48). It also contains phosphorus, zinc and vitamins A and C, which are necessary for healthy bones as well (45). Kaempferol, a flavonoid in broccoli, demonstrates strong anti-inflammatory capacity in both animal and test-tube studies (9, 10). Are you now aware of all its nutrients and how vital it is for your sexual and overall health? It wards off free radicals and leaves the skin looking beautiful and free from marks of pigments, fine lines, and wrinkles. It is called excellent food thanks to its high nutritiona Broccoli, Health benefits and how to prepare? These free radicals are responsible for accelerating the process of aging of the skin. One compound in broccoli, called nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), has been found to offer anti-aging benefits. Hence it is one of the best broccoli benefits for men. Oct 28, 2018 - Did you know that broccoli benefits bone health, lowers cancer risk, and also help fight skin damage. Nutritionally, broccoli is rich in many micronutrients and phytochemicals that can benefit health over time. Broccoli is a nutritional powerhouse full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. However, no rigorous scientific data exists to support this. These 12 foods are high in antioxidants and can help keep your cells healthy. More research is needed to determine how these compounds support neurological function in humans. Fresh broccoli heads should be at the top of your grocery list if you are looking for a nutritious diet. Asparations, Asparation, Bimi, Baby Broccoli, Broccolini, Broccolette, Tenderstem Broccoli, Sweet Baby Broccoli, Broccoletti, Tenderstem are other common names of Chinese broccoli. Several studies indicate that broccoli may support heart health in a variety of ways. Broccoli, a vegetable of the cabbage family, is very rich in sulfur, carotene, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium and selenium. When you chew raw or lightly cooked cruciferous vegetables, plant enzymes are activated, which allows Diindolylmethane (DIM) to enter your body. This is how we do it in Team Juicing Masters! This has some very desirable benefits, such as more free testosterone (for men) and protection against breast cancer (for women). This superfood is an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin K. It’s also a good source of vitamin A, folate, potassium, and manganese. Broccoli is rich in various antioxidants and plant compounds, which contribute to its health benefits. A recent human study indicated that people who ate broccoli were able to defecate more easily than individuals in the control group (30). 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ): sulforaphane its possible to. Vitamin a present in broccoli binds with the bile acids in the vegetable binds with cholesterol. Called the apoptosis, gele roosjes cancer cells to self-destruct ; this process called... 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