nrcma practice test quizlet

NRC Occupational exposure of … Cost: $100 NCMA members/$125 nonmembers. When using a microscope with a 10x ocular and the 40x objective in place, the total magnification is. Take this free practice test to see how prepared you are for a medical assistant certification exam. Match. Obviously, try not to depend on these resources but have them available. HP0-S32 Practice Test; JN0-643 Practice Test; 1Z0-527 Practice Test; Popular NCMA Exams . Use our free NCCT practice tests (updated for 2021) to pass your upcoming National Center for Competency Testing Medical Assistant certification exam (NCCT-NCMA). Spell. Take practice tests, any time, day or night, from your computer or mobile device. Start studying nrcma practice test. Flashcards. TDC Practice Test#1. Test. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. Surgical Asepsis. THE VITAMINE THAT IS NECESSARY FOR THE PROPER CLOTTING OF BLOOD IS? Easily the best thing you can do apart from actually studying, is to use practice tests. Terms in this set (118) The body is divided into front & back by which of the following planes. Flashcards. Learn. 200 Terms. ANSWER PROMPTLY, IDENTIFY YOURSELF AND ASK HOW YOU MAY HELP THEM. A patient with a rapid pulse has bradycardia, Carbon dioxide is a waste product of metabolism, Some states consider it legal for medical assistants to diagnose a condition and prescribe treatment, It is illegal for a patient to be denied a copy of his chart if he is unable to pay the fee to obtain it, A physician cannot be held responsible for the actions of employees, A substance used to impart color to tissue or cells in order to study and identify microscopic organisms is called a stain, Another name for a heart attack is myocardial infraction, Aproperly collected sputum specimen should contain both mucus coughed up from the respiratory tract and saliva, The most reliable and timely method of transporting microbiologic specimens is pickup by the laboratory, A medical assistant needs additional training to be able to perform microbiologic tests, such as sensitivity tests, and to interpret cultures of specimens, The process of blood cells clumping together to form a clot is called coagulation, Water contributes about 60% of body weight, The lowest level of organization for the human body begins at the chemical level, The law requires all employers to withhold money from employees' net earnings to pay federal, state, and local income taxes, Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are examples of compounds, The optimal temperature to promote growth of bacteria in a culture medium is 37 C, Bacteria that stain purple are gram positive, The dorsal cavity is located in the front of the body, Neoplasm's are "new growths" and are cancerous or non-cancerous, The ventricles have one-way valves at their entrances and exits so that blood goes in the proper direction as the heart pumps, A living will is intended to help families of terminally ill patients deal with the inevitable outcome and limit unnecessary medical costs, A co-payment is a fixed percentage of covered charges after the deductible is met, All medical practices have to cover worker's compensation cases, The study of all factors that cause disease is known as etiology, A check from an insurance company includes payment for only one patient, Calcium in milk can diminish the absorption of some antibiotics, Compounded interest is paid on the initial investment and on the interest earned on the investment, An employer must pay FUTA tax if employees' wages total more than $1500 in any quarter, Vesting means that you have a legal right to all the money in your account, Trichinella spiralis is a roundworm that enters the body in infected meat eaten raw or undercooked, In a medical practice accounts recievable describes the money that is paid out to run the practice, A customary fee is the fee a doctor charges for a service or procedure, The physician usually authorizes several people to handle the purchasing of supplies and other products, Infraction is an area of dead tissue caused by an invasion of bacteria or loss of blood supply, The percentage the employer pays for federal unemployment taxes decreases if the employer also pays state unemployment taxes, Untreated strep throst is not serious and does not lead to complications, Metabolism is the sum of all cellular processes that build maintain and supply energy to living tissue, The daily recommended allowance for fat in the adult diet is 50% to 60%, The typical american diet contains 2 to 5 g sodium daily, Most fungi do not cause disease in humans, Excessive tissue formation is referred to as, One who studies cells is referred to as a, Incision into the chest wall is referred to as, One complete heartbeat combining the contractions and relaxation phases is known as the, Another term for subcutaneous injection is, In performing a treatment without the patient's informed consent the physician runs the risk of a suit for, The statue of limitations for bringing malpractice suits varies from state to state but in most states it is difficult to initiate, A court order for a physician to appear and testify is known as a/an, For anyone to practice medicine without a license except in a few special circumstances is, Negligence in the medical profession is called, An employee who is considered to be acting on the doctor's behalf while performing professional tasks is, A physician reports a case of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) to the state this is called, The age of majority in most jurisdictions is, The study of values or principles governing personal relationships including ideals of autonomy justice and conduct is called, When performing a microscopic the evaluation of each element present in the urinary sediment is based upon the, When doing a red cell count the factor by which the cells counted are multiplied is, When focusing the microscope one should begin with which objective, The macroscopic examination of urine consists of, The appropriate gauge needle to use when performing phlebotomy of veins in the forearm is, When using a standard white blood cell pipette for determining a white blood cell count the total number of cells counted is multiplied by, The most common positions for chest x-rays are, WHETHER A BACTERIA IS GRAM POSITIVE OR GRAM NEGATIVE, On a normal ECG tracing the first wave to show downward deflection is, The first sound heard when taking blood pressure is, Normal oral temperature is 98.6 F the equivalent celsius temperature is, Which of the following needles has the widest lumen, An injection into the tissues between the skin and muscle is called, The layer of cells forming the epidermis of the skin and the surface layer of muscous and serous membranes, Neurons that carry impulses toward the brain or spinal cord are, A large molecule which is the main constituent of chromosomes is referred to as, Red blood cells appear red due to the presence of, The heartbeat is normally regulated by the, The median or sagittal plane divides the body, A patient in the supine position is lying, FLAT ON THEIR BACK WITH PALMS AND FACE UP, The body is divided into front and back by which of the following planes, The valve located on the right side of the heart is, Canals in the inner ear that affect equilibrium are, The area between the lungs that contain the heart, trachea, esophagus, and thymus gland is called, Which of the following are examples of plant-derived drugs, Which of the following are drugs derived from animal substances, Which drug is derived from a mineral source, The abbreviation used to indicate that a medication should be given four times a day is, Which of the following is the process of converting a drug from its dose form, such as a tablet or capsule, into a form the body can use, The process by which drug molecules are transformed into simpler products is called, Which of the following is considered a drug's official name, Which part of a prescription includes the name of the drug and the amount, Which part of the prescription contains the patient's instructions, What would you do to secure the handling of prescription pads, SUGGEST THAT THE PHYSICIAN WRITE PRESCRIBED AMOUNTS OF MEDICATION IN BOTH NUMERALS, The action of antihypertensive drugs is to, What is the abbreviation for last menstrual period, What is the abbreviation for a hematocrit blood test, What is the abbreviation for every other day, When performing a finger puncture, the first drop of blood should be, The packed red blood cell volume is determined by, When doing a differential white blood cell count, the total number of cells counted is, The time the film is allowed to remain in the fix solution is, The most common place to take a pulse is at the, If a carotid pulse was taken it was taken at the, A patient is bleeding heavily from a wound on the forearm you should, The normal pulse rate for children from one to seven years of age is, The normal pulse rate for children over the age of seven is, The process of measuring as done in chest expansion is called, The medication for injections should be verified at least, The appropriate way to dispose of a syringe and needle after giving an injection is to, DISPOSE IN LEAK PROOF PUNCTURE RESISTANT CONTAINER, The most common exposure incident a medical worker may encounter is, ACCIDENTALLY STICKING ONESELF WITH A USED NEEDLE, The first modern health insurance became an employment benefit because, A GROUP OF SCHOOLTEACHERS IN DALLAS TEXAS JOINED FORCES AND REQUESTED IT, The underlying principle of all types of insurance is, A PROGRAM OF MEDICAL CARE FOR THE NEEDY PROVIDED BY THE TITLE XIX OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY AMENDMENTS OF 1965, An insurance contract written for a company for its employees is called, Persons who are unable to pay for medical care or who have dependent children may apply for, A fixed dollar amount the subscriber must pay or "meet" each year before the insurer begins to cover expenses is the, In a typical medical practice insurance claims are filed, 7 TO 10 BUSINESS DAYS FROM THE DATE OF SERVICE, Payments made by patient represent the doctor's, Dollar entries made on the left side of the ledger are called, Any checks received for the doctor should be immediately, A patient's financial account is referred to as, One way to prevent patients from forgetting future appointments is, CALL THEM THE DAY BEFORE THEIR APPOINTMENT, DO NOT BOOK MORE THAN TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE, USE APPOINTMENT CARDS, The three main groups of carbohydrates are, MONOSACCHARIDES, DISACCHARIDES, AND POLYSACCARIDES, An inadequate supply of essential nutrients in the diet may result in, Which of the following comprises about 60% of the body's weight, Blindness can result from a severe lack of, The vitamin that is necessary for the proper clotting of the blood is, Iron is known to be a necessary component of, ARE SLOWER THAN WATER-SOLUBLE VITAMINS TO EXHIBIT DEFICIENCIES, The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 C is a/an, Which of the following is the most essential nutrient for building and repairing cells and tissue, Each gram of_______contains four calories, It is recommended that what percentage of an individual's total daily caloric intake be made up of carbohydrates, Which of the following are used for immediate fuel and are converted to glucose, After the body's carbohydrate reserves are depleted which of the following does the body burn, Which of the following is the daily recommendation of fiber for adults, The recommended daily adult cholesterol intake is no more than, Which of the following are saturated fats, The most important nutrient that is essential for the production of red blood cells is, Which vitamin is an intracellular antioxidant maintains cell structures and aids the formation of red blood cells, Which vitamin builds bones and teeth is found in egg yolks, butter, and fortified milk, Vitamin________is rich in citrus fruits, mangoes, strawberries, and green leafy vegetables, Which of the following maintains fluid and acid-base balance and its main dietary source is salt, Of the following which is important in the maintenance of muscle contraction and is found in foods such as bananas, raisins, oranges, and potatoes, A condition in which heart is unable to pump adequate amounts of blood to the tissues and organs is, A quick rising and collapsing (water Hammer) pulse is characteristic of, A lift or heave is the rise with each heartbeat of the, Hypertension in the adult is defined as blood pressure greater than, An inflammation of the skin usually causing itching and sometimes accompanied by scaling or blisters is, Which of the following may precipitate individual attacks of asthma, VOLATILE IRRITANTS FROM ORGANIC SOLVENTS, EXPOSURE TO MISTS AND DUSTS IN INDIVIDUAL PLANTS, INHALATION OF COLD AIR, A condition indicating that certain elements are lacking in the blood, A metabolic bone disorder affecting primarily postmenopausal women and is characterized by the loss of calcium and phosphate from the bone, What chronic inflammatory disease attacks joints and surrounding tissues and is intermittent with periods of remission, What contagious superficial skin infection is usually seen in young children, A chronic disease of insulin deficiency or resistance is, A critical illness resulting in the sudden cessation of kidney function is, The most potent stimulus to increasing coronary blood flow is called, Diabetes mellitus is a disease that involves the, An abnormal increase in red cells is called, Inflammation of the joint and bone is referred to as. VARIATION IN THE STAGE OF RED CELLS WOULD BE INDICATED AS? FOR THE FIRST 2 MONTHS, THE UNBORN CHILD IS REFERRED TO AS A? Write. When it comes to preparing students for the NAHP NRCMA exam, many teachers run for test prep materials. A CONDITION CHARACTERIZED BY FREQUENT LIQUID STOOLS? Spell. Electrical shock not timed to the cardiac cycle. CCCM Practice Exam. The practice test is an important part of any preparation for testing. Gestation. sensitometer. lishaaa_3. A 150-question CCCM practice exam that pulls from a question bank of over 400 questions is now available covering Articles 1–9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. Brandymvaughan. Users Options. dee_modaff . WHEN A PT MUST CANCEL AN APPOINTMENT YOU SHOULD? Flashcards. Spell. stephanie_potts5. Finding the Median of a Data Set. TRUE . Carbon dioxide is a waste product of metabolism. A GRADUALLY DEVELOPING CLOUDINESS OF THE LENS, OCCURING MOSTLY IN PERSONS OVER 70 IS CALLED? Our sample tests require no registration (or payment!). aluminum step wedge that is used to illustrate the effect of kVp on contrast. 30 practice questions. Diagrams. 100% Pass Guarantee We are committed to your success. NRCMA Practice. Ch. MONOSACCHARIDE'S, DISACCHARIDE, AND POLYSACCHARIDES. Write. Write. hannahgmarkov. Media4Math. lishaaa_3. hannahgmarkov. TRUE. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING NEEDLES HAS THE WIDEST LUMEN? 150 msv/year 15 rem/year. Questions: 158 | Attempts: 8139 | Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 . A COUNTING CHAMBER UTILIZED IN MANUAL MICROSCPOIC METHOS IS CALLED? UNDER CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ACT HOW MAND SCHEDULES ARE THERE? WHEN A SMALL SAMPLE OF TISSUE IS TAKEN FROM THE BODY AND SENT TO A LAB TO BE EXAMINED/STUDIED IT IS? THE SUFFIX WHICH MEANS PALSTIC REPAIR IS? 21 Review Questions and CT Questions . THE MOST COMMON POSITION FOR CHEST X-RAYS ARE? Sample our proven method of test preparation and register for full access. 20 terms. Search. FALSE. The medical term cardiorrhaphy means which of the following? INCORREST INFO GIVEN THAT MAY INJUR THE REPUTATION OF ANOTHER IS CALLED? THE SUFFIC WHICH MEASNS DISCHARGE OF FLOW IS. Test. THE BONE FORMS THE FOREHEAD AND BONY SOCKETS WHICH CONTAIN THE EYES? 100% Pass Guarantee. 50 msv/year 5 rem/year. Study NRCME Dot Medical Examiner Flashcards Flashcards at ProProfs - Prepare for the NRCME dot medical exam Flashcards in a brief manner with these flashcards and revise the concepts related to it. 200 terms. 22 Review Questions CT Questions. Your program director is required to verify your program completion.Category 2: A non-recen… 21 terms. Analyzing Box and Whisker Plots. 20 Review Questions and CT Questions. sally_pena PLUS. katdoh. IF A PT COMPLAINS OF CHEST PAIN, COLLAPSES IN THE OFFICE YOU SHOULD? Test. The NAHP’s review book and practice exams can be a great way to help students prep before exam day, but they don’t help you teach the material! Take the first step towards your medical examiner training and test your knowledge with this free 10 question sample quiz. NRC Occupational exposure Lens of eye. DURING AN EYE EXAM USING THE SNELLEN'S EYE CHART, THE PT SHOULD? 6 terms. The destruction of all microbial life, pathogen and non pathogens, are destroyed by: Medical asepsis. Radiation Safety NMTCB Practice. The CMA certification exam can be taken no earlier than 30 days of completing education, or 2. This clean and simple layout will give you 10 questions with 4 answer options each. WATCHING PT'S RISE AND FALL WHILE APPEARING TO TAKE THE PULSE. WHEN COLLECTING SPECIMENS OF A BLOOD CELL COUNT YOU WOULD USE A TUBE THAT CONTAINS? JamariaP. It has been proven that the best way for someone to learn, is to learn over the course of time, rather than as quickly as possible. Learn nrcma certification with free interactive flashcards. WHAT TYPE OF INSURANCE PROVIDES INCOME WHEN THE INSURED IS UNABLE TO WORK DUE TO ILLNESS? Practice for your upcoming NRCME exam by studying our database of 650+ NRCME practice test questions. 19 terms. APPLY TOURNIQUET, ELEVATE ARM AND APPLY DIRECT PRESSURE. Gravity. PLAY. PLAY. Flashcards. A TRAY FOR A PELVIC EXAM NORMALLY INCLUDES? SUBSTANCE USED TO PREVENT X-RAY EXPOSURE? WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ARE CHARACTERISTICS OF INFANTILE ECZEMA? THE PREMATURE TERMINATION OF A PREGNANCY BEFORE THE EMBRYO/FETUS IS ABLE TO EXIST ON IT'S OWN IS REFERRED TO AS? NRCME PRACTICE TEST Please choose the “most correct” answer for the following questions. Recent Updates. PLAY. Take a free practice test with sample questions, answers, and explanations to simulate the actual certification exam. 10 terms. Handwashing. IF BACTERIA IS GRAM NEGATIVE OR GRAM POSITIVE. WHEN A VENIPUNCTURE IS PERFORMED USING A LAVENDER TOP, THE SAMPLE......... IS COMMONLY USED FOR A HEMATOLOGY TESTING & DOES NOT CLOT BECAUSE ANTICOAGULANT HAS BEEN USED? ONE COMPLETE HEATBEAT, COMBINING THE CONTRACTION AND RELAXATION PHASE IS KNOWN AS? Created by. Gravity. recorded detail. Start studying NRCMA Practice. THE PURPOSE OF APPLYING PAST/JELLY WHEN RUNNING A SONO IS TO REDUCE WHAT? Test. INFLAMMATION OF THE SKIN USUALLY CAUSING ITCHING IS CALLED? Calculating Probability. kevinyoung88. … STANDING ERECT WITH PALMS TURNED ANTERIOR. 7-10: Role of the Receptionist & Scheduling. NRCMA Practice TEST. Chlorhexidine. Spell. Browse 500 sets of asvab 1 arithmetic flashcards. Probability and Statistics | AP Statistics Guide. Ant 1 Unit 1 MCQB # Chapter 5. Write. Ch. Match. coronal. 3. Combining form . AN INJECTION GIVEN AT 45 DEGREE ANGLE IS? NOTE: The practice exam questions are not the actual exam questions. the process of carrying or being carried in the womb between conception and birth. RMA Practice Test 4 . ASVAB Arithmetic Reasoning 1. INCISION INTO THE CHEST WALL IS REFERED TO AS? STUDY. OF THE FOLLOWING, WHICH COULD NOT LEGALLY ACT AS AN AGENT FOR ANOTHER PT? spinning top test. STUDY. The exam is taken within 12 months of graduation. IF POOR RECORDS ARE KEPY & A DR. FAILS TO REPORT ALL HIS INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS TO THE IRS, THE DR. IS OPEN TO A CHARGE OF? NRCEKG Exam - Practice Test Questions Missed. Learn. sterile isotonic drops or sterile ointment. 45 terms. A CONDITION INDICATION THAT CERTAIN ELEMENTS ARE LACKING IN BLODD..... A CONDITION OF EXCESSIVE INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE WHICH RESULTS IN ATROPHY OF THE OPTIC NERVE IS? IF A CAROTID PULSE WAS TAKEN, IT WOULD BE TAKEN WHERE? 57 terms. Sample Question. Created by. THE OUTER MOST CELLULAR LAYER OF THE SKIS IS CALLED? Terms in this set (71) medications for ophthalmic administration are usually available in. Test. THE NERVE TO BE CONCERNED WITH WHEN GIVING INJECTIONS IN THE BUTTOCKS IS? WHEN FOCUSTING A MICROSCOPE, YOU SHOULD BEGIN WITH WHICH OBJECTIVE? THE FIRST WAY TO COMMUNICATE COURTESY TO THE TELEPHONE CALLER IS? Mometrix even offers a money-back guarantee. A CONGENITAL ANEMIA OCCURING PRIMARILY AMONG AFRICAN AMERICANS? CCMA 2014 . STUDY. WHEN PREPARING THE PT FOR A VAGINAL EXAM YOU WOULD POSITION THEM? FALSE. 15 terms. FACIAL BONES THAT COMPOSE THE LOWER JAW ARE REFERRED TO AS? With our NRCME Practice Test Program, you will have a comprehensive practice program that lets you study at your own pace with access to our online tools anytime and anywhere. skotasek TEACHER. FACIAL BONES THAT COMPOSE THE MASSIVE UPPER JAW BONES ARE CALLED? Summary: Try one of our free RMA practice tests below to gauge how much you already know. When you take the second practice test keep all of the same resources, but time yourself to practice learning how to pace yourself for the test. Take full-length NRCME practice tests or focus quizzes, and track your progress to identify weak knowledge areas. 200 terms. 83 terms. AN AGENT GIVEN TO CONTERACT AN UNWANTED EFFECT OF A DRUG IS CALLED? THE MOST IMPORTANT MUSCLES TO AID IN BREATHING IS? Create. A FRAGILE ORGANISM CALLED GONOCOCCUS BACTERIA CAUSES WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING? suturing of the heart muscle. The CMA medical assistant exam is used to certify that candidates have the knowledge and skills to perform the duties required of a medical assistant. Log in Sign up. PTCB practice test. SUGAR MELABOLISM (GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TESTING). AN INFLAMED CONDITION OF THE TENDON AND TENDON MUSCLES? Created by. 400X. Choose from 500 different sets of asvab 1 arithmetic flashcards on Quizlet. hannahgmarkov. Learn. UNDER WHAT PROGRAMS MAY RETIRED MILITARY OR THEIR DEPENDENTS, ACTIVE MILITARY RECEIVE? WHEN PERFORMING A WBC/DIFF COUNT A BASOPHIL WILL BE RECOGNIZED BY? The time during the cardiac cycle when the ventricular cells are partially repolarized by not completely reading y for normal response is known as which of the following? INSULIN IS SECRETED DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOODSTREAM BY WHAT ORGAN? OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. A GROWTH OF CANCER CELLS TO ON TISSUE TO ANOTHER, A TUMOR THAT IS NON-PROGESSIVE AND NOT LIFE THREATENING. the authority for drug information questions. NRCME Practice Tests. 1. WHEN PERFORMING A FINGER PUNCTURE, THE 1ST OF BLOOD SHOULD BE? Created by. THE PURPOSE OF AGING ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES..... IS TO LIST PAYMENTS AND CHARGES FOR A GIVEN DATE. NRC Occupational exposure of organ or tissue. Ch. Classes. it groups drug monographs by therapeutic use. The best way to do this is to study, then test your knowledge. DRUG USED TO PREVENT THE CLOTTING OF BLOOD.... DRUG AGENT THAT NEUTRALIZE THE HYDROCHLORIC ACID IN THE STOMACH IS CALLED? To REDUCE WHAT PHLEBOTOMY, THE PT IS KNOWN AS, COMBINING THE CONTRACTION and RELAXATION PHASE IS KNOWN?! In ORDER TO INFLATE THE BP CUFF THE VALVE MUST BE TURNED, COLLAPSES IN THE,. Breathing and PULSELESS BEFORE ADMINISTERING CPR PRODUCT OF THE LENS, OCCURING IN! 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