How to use country in a sentence. 1/14/2021 - Greg McDermott - January 14, 2021 . Urban VI remained in Rome, refusing to step down, and Clement VII fled to Avignon, where he reigned surrounded by the former Roman court. The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC004401. Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced online dictionary for slang words and phrases, operating under the motto "Define Your World." Jim Rome Hour 1 - 1/14/2021 - January 14, 2021 . The site was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham while he was a freshman computer science major at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. How to use conservatism in a sentence. Serving a diverse range of customers, we blend functionality and form to create fences that not only meet your exact needs but look good, too! All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. The editors are not bound by any criteria for the approval or rejection of definitions. For example, a man in Las Vegas was allowed to keep "HOE" as his license plate after managing to convince the state, with the use of Urban Dictionary, that it meant "TAHOE", as in the vehicle made by Chevrolet, since that was already taken. An entity or entities appear as you are going about your ordinary, boring day, offering you a chance to play a game for their amusement, promising riches, power, glory, scantily-clad attractive persons of your preferred gender, and chocolate cake if you agree. Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of slang, or cultural words or phrases, not typically found in standard dictionaries, but it is now used to define any word or phrase. By John Brownlee long Read [10] Although English entries were by far the most common prior to the multilingual transition, some words from languages that have been incorporated or assimilated into English-speaking societies were published, including those from Swahili, Arabic, and the Fula languages.[11]. Hush definition is - calm, quiet. The popes at Rome were Urban VI (1378–89), Boniface IX Boniface IX, c.1345–1404, pope (1389–1404), a Neapolitan named Pietro Tomacelli; successor of Urban VI. Words or phrases on Urban Dictionary may have multiple definitions, usage examples, and tags. [18], By July 2020, the dictionary had over 12 million definitions. Editors previously needed a valid email address, but it is no longer required, as three options are provided for new words: "Add It!," "Keep Out!," and "I Can't Decide." Greg, The Greg: Urban Dictionary [home, info] Quick definitions from WordNet ( Greg ) name : A male given name (common: 1 in 961 males; popularity rank in the U.S.: #174) See more. For the first five years, the site generated revenue without making a profit, but did not appear to incur any costs[dubious – discuss]. Urban Dictionary has been criticized for hosting and failing to remove offensive submissions, including ones containing racist and sexist content. One comes with Greg Davis and Co-host Alicia Sharp to be a part of the relationship Talk after midnight call 31378760 only on 9:10 AM the super station. he's a sweet, sexy, funny, athletic, smart, lovable man. Greg would drive a Chevy Colorado, but Greg doesn’t know how to drive stick. For example, the slang term "jack" was used to define the name the defendant used for his team, "the jack boys. he makes your heart sore. But I think something special would be sacrificed if that were to happen." According to Peckham in January 2014, just under 40% of the site's traffic is international, while the site's audience was predominantly male and aged between 15 and 24. Racial and sexual slurs are allowed, racist and sexist entries are not. [16], Urban Dictionary's guidelines list "hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against others" as a reportable offense. [2], As of January 5, 2014, 50% of the site's traffic was mobile, the iPhone app had been downloaded nearly three million times. GREG: Great Egg Harbor National Scenic and Recreational River (US National Park Service) GREG: Glaucoma Research and Education Group (San Francisco, CA) The site's audience at this stage was predominantly male and aged between 15 and 24. [15] For example, the abundance of racist definitions of "aboriginal" prompted a petition calling for their removal on which received over 7,000 signatures. As of 2014, the dictionary had over seven million definitions, while around 2,000 new entries were being added daily. How to use hush in a sentence. Political Animals is a six-episode American comedy-drama miniseries created by Greg Berlanti.The series aired in the United States on USA Network from July 15 through August 19, 2012. It's right here on 9:10 AM super station the most powerful voices in the urban community w FF Farmington Hills, Detroit 9:10 AM superstition a division of Adele Media. [8], Over a 30-day period in March and April 2011, 67,000 people wrote 76,000 new definitions for Urban Dictionary, while 3,500 volunteer editors were registered. In July 2009, Peckham explained to The New York Times that Urban Dictionary is not Wikipedia,[6] because it doesn't attempt neutrality: "Every single word on here [Urban Dictionary] is written by someone with a point of view, with a personal experience of the word in the entry. dublin slang urban dictionary. As such, "to define" a word or phrase on Urban Dictionary does not necessarily entail providing a strict definition; merely a description of some aspect of the word or phrase could suffice for inclusion in the dictionary. New York Times tech reporter Leslie Kaufman and law professor Greg Lastowka talk about how judges and lawyers have turned to sites like Urban Dictionary to help define slang terms and the legal implications of the trend. In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following entries: New words: entirely new headword entries appearing in OED for the first time New sub-entries: compounds or phrases integrated in to the body of newly or recently updated entries New senses: new senses integrated in to the body of newly or recently updated entries Additions to unrevised entries: new senses, compounds, or phrases appended to the end of existing OEDentries which have not yet been updated fo… [9], IBM had programmed Watson to use Urban Dictionary. Sometimes Gregory’s are even called lion heart as they are found to be brave, intelligent, articulate, athletic, witty, handsome and sexy warriors. Meme Status Confirmed Type: Slang Year 1998 Origin Internet Slang Tags internet, slang, dictionary, butt, term, butt hurt, jan brewer Additional References Encyclopedia Dramatica Urban Dictionary Wikipedia About. Thur. Blue Monday is the most depressing day of the year, calculated by, Gregory is the name of a male, often a lion with a giant heart. After having all the words and definitions incorporated into Watson, it began responding to researchers' questions with profanity, leading the programmers to remove it from its memory and adding an additional filter to prevent it from swearing in the future. GREG RACHAC; Jan 16, 2021; Jan 16, 2021; 0. As the antithesis of Scumbag Steve, the image macros generally depict the character as kind, generous or empathetic to other people. [17], At the start of 2014, the dictionary had over seven million definitions, while 2,000 new entries were being added daily. [3][4], By the year 2009, the site had listed around 4 million entries and received about 2,000 new submissions per day. Good Guy Greg (GGG) is an advice animal character based on a photograph of a square-jawed man smiling at the camera with a marijuana cigarette in his mouth. McElroy announced last night he has tested positive for COVID-19. [14] Editors are not allowed to edit entries for spelling, wording or punctuation. [2], In November 2014, the Advertise page of the website stated that, on a monthly basis, Urban Dictionary averages 72 million impressions and 18 million unique readers. Presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo said the definitions of "duterte" are "exact opposites" of the traits of President Rodrigo Duterte, and said Duterte to them means "honest, incorruptible, politically-willed person, courageous, selfless, honest, transparent and all good things...and other synonymous terms. You have seen many teens, tweens, and people make these hand signals. Urban's quarrel with Edward III of England over the payment of the annual tribute (dating back to King John) occasioned the antipapal polemics of John Wyclif. In 2003, the website gained wider attention after a news article revealed that the United Kingdom (UK) high court judges had used Urban Dictionary to assist them in a case involving two rappers (the judges unsuccessfully attempted to comprehend the slang language that the rappers used). Greg. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a … 12 Hand Signals and What They Mean. In an April 2011 article in The Guardian titled "In praise of urban dictionaries", Peckham revealed an overview of 10 rules that he had devised for the site's content: "Publish celebrity names, but reject 'real life' names. Greg has a Ford f250. Gregory is the name of a male, often a lion with a giant heart. Some examples include, but are not limited to, "Angry Hitler"[12] and "Russian Candy Cane."[13]. He had previously created a spoof version of the Ask Jeeves web search engine while studying at Cal Poly but closed the website after he received an infringement letter. His giant tan muscles just made that poor woman, Is the best human alive, usually a guy who shows a great amount of respect to his girlfriend he is very religious but easily annoyed he can over come any situation he will always be reliable and is sweet, kind, humble, and loves to dance he is really into gaming and, gregory is the type of guy who will give you butterflies when he touches you. But Greg never uses it for anything except hauling groceries. [19], As of 2013, Urban Dictionary has been used in several court cases to define slang terms not found in standard dictionaries. "[7], The website was later referenced in a 2011 District Court complaint by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agents to document the meaning of the vulgarism "murk", as used in a criminal threat. Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced online dictionary for slang words and phrases, operating under the motto "Define Your World. Gregory one of the most loyal and the most kind people you will ever meet. metaculture: An abstract set of universal concepts—e.g., humour, social rank/hierarchy—which are said to exist in all human cultures. [20], In the United States, some state Departments of Motor Vehicles refer to Urban Dictionary in determining if certain license plates are appropriate or not. Urban was a patron of the arts and founded universities at Orange, Kraków, and Vienna. Did You Know? Urban Dictionary (Hour 1) Tiki and Tierney 1-14-21 Hour 3; 1-14 Brandon Tierney CBS Sports Minute on the Jacksonville Jaguars; Ric Bucher ... Greg McDermott - January 14, 2021 . Jim Rome Hour 1 - 1/14/2021 - January 14, 2021 . [2] He created Urban Dictionary initially as a parody of actual dictionaries, which he thought tended to be "stuffy" and "take themselves too seriously". Deer Camp Dictionary: Hunting Terms of Enddeerment Sic: Greg Nachazel: Hunting - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hunting camp with dressed deer at Schoodic Lake, Maine, in 1905. What do they mean? Urban was beatified in … Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of slang or cultural words and phrases, not typically found in standard dictionaries, but it is now used to define any word, event, or phrase (including sexually explicit content). In: دستهبندی نشده No Commentsدستهبندی نشده No Comments when your with him he will have your on an. They are athletic, smart and can b shy at times. See more. More than just fence sales, Urban Fence Inc. designs commercial and industrial fence solutions in the GTA and surrounding areas. [5] In April 2009, the site registered 15 million unique visitors, while 80 percent of its monthly users were younger than 25. Many of you are familiar with this sort of thing. The Urban Dictionary Of Design Slang Here are all the designer terms you need to know, as well as quite a few most designers would love to never hear again. [2][10], In February 2019, the dictionary had over 1,500 words to define, while 4 new words were being added weekly. The website was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham. However, a Facebook or Gmail account is required to post a new definition. ESPN analyst Greg McElroy won’t be able to call tonight’s Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic. Accessibility statement; Freedo [21], In August 2019, The Malacañang Palace reacted to a definition referring to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, defining him as deceptive, sly, fake and other words. ", "Why Urban Dictionary Is Horrifically Racist", "Urban Dictionary deletes racist and offensive entries for 'aboriginal' following outrage", "For the Word on the Street, Courts Call Up an Online Witness", "Teaching Watson the Urban Dictionary turned out to be a huge mistake", "How Linguists Are Using Urban Dictionary", An Universal Etymological English Dictionary, Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Collaborative International Dictionary of English, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners,, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Articles with disputed statements from November 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 19 December 2020, at 08:34. Thur. Sometimes Gregory’s are even called, “Did you see Gregory today? Words or phrases on Urban Dictionary may have multiple definitions, usage examples, and tags. Diaspora definition, the scattering of the Jews to countries outside of Palestine after the Babylonian captivity. It's time for when the. It’s too complicated for him. Should this be in Urban Dictionary? Don't, 1. Home دستهبندی نشده dublin slang urban dictionary. Political definition is - of or relating to government, a government, or the conduct of government. Here’s a scenario to explain snitch-tagging.Let’s say you are talking trash, throwing shade, or otherwise subtweeting someone on Twitter. The largest pronunciation dictionary in the world. "[20] Urban Dictionary was also used in a District Court complaint where a man posted a threat on a gun exchange Facebook page to "murk that cocksucker". Montana State TE Curtis Amos Jr. popped question, then popped meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary Parallax (Atlas Sound album), Parallax (Greg Howe album), Parallax ... (1 matching dictionary) Parallax: Urban Dictionary [home, info] Tech (7 matching dictionaries) ... PhotoNotes Dictionary of Film and Digital Photography [home, info] Quick definitions from Macmillan He was succeeded by Gregory XI. "[9], At the start of 2014, 32-year-old Peckham resided in San Francisco, U.S, and, while he did not reveal exact figures, he informed the media that the site was "stable and growing", and generated enough profit for both him and the site's maintenance. Karen’s husband. He launched the site to compare urban slang used by university students in different parts of California. They like and appreciate fine quality and style, but are also very down to earth. Hot dam that man is fine. "[1] The website was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham. Like all political idealogies, it has both good and bad points. Visitors to Urban Dictionary may submit definitions without registering, but they must provide a valid email address. Reject nonsense, inside jokes or anything submitted in capital letters. The word based reflects the idea or action's stability, as opposed to other ideas or actions which can evoke feelings of fragility. School of Modern Languages & Cultures. ", Linguists continue to use Urban Dictionary for charting the development of slang terms, particularly those from the early 2000s before the advent of many social media platforms. Snitch-tagging combines snitch, a negative word for an “informer” or “tattletale,” with tagging, or “identifying someone on social media,” usually by use of the @ symbol followed by the username. By default, each definition is accepted or rejected based on the number of "Publish" or "Don't Publish" votes it receives from volunteer editors. Urban Dictionary currently gets 110 million monthly page views and is the 77th biggest Web site in the country, according to Quantcast, a Web analytics company. [8][20] The crowd-sourced dictionary was also used in a sexual harassment court case in Tennessee to define the phrase "to nut" as "to ejaculate". [22], Community-powered dictionary of slang terms, Screenshot of Urban Dictionary front page as of 2018, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, "Virtual smackdowns Cross-border rivalries spill onto the Internet, where even residents have fun tweaking hometowns", "Feds Consulted Urban Dictionary In Threat Case", "Urban Dictionary's Next Phase: Global and Mobile", "Approve new words - 1. Country definition is - an indefinite usually extended expanse of land : region. The image macros generally depict the character as kind, generous or empathetic to other.... Reflects the idea or action 's stability, as opposed to other ideas actions! Humour, social rank/hierarchy—which are said to exist in all human cultures rank/hierarchy—which. 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