ex baha'is explain their decision

I hope you will read my web site http://www.bahaiawareness.com and the section on ex-communication at http://www.bahaiawareness.com/excommunication to see what I have been talking about. Ex. In the process of decision making, we ma… Before Baha’is preach the establishment of a Supreme tribunal, they should first resolve their inner problems and then postulate that their teachings are the only hope for establishing world peace. In our case we noticed our running trainers were looking a little worse for wear and we acknowledged the need for a new pair. 2008. This signal, however, may not be correct. Also, i tried to read the will that the Bab has left wich says the name of the new prophet that Baha’u’llah read in his Jail with the babies (one of the miracles of Baha’ul’allh as my friends told me. We'll use the following data: A decision tree starts with a decision to be made and the options that can be taken. See also the site Former Bahais. Dear Truth Seeker–I just want to share with you the name of a teacher whose concepts have freed me from the bondage of religious dictates. Les baha’is sont les disciples de Bahāʾ-Allāh. All above board with nothing to hide. I asked few of senior Baha’is like Bassa Mousa but could not get any satisfactory answer. A year has passed with a lot of meetings a reading books. Check him out and see if his stuff helps you in your quest for truth. This can include detailed specifications and scoring systems such as a decision matrix.Alternatively, a decision criterion can be a rule of thumb designed for flexibility. By chance I meet another traveler teacher who was Egyptian by birth but change his nationality to one of middle east country, I asked him same things, he was learned scholar and said it is good work keep it up, He said another Baha’i Scholar in the name of Ahan Rabbani went from UK to House for doing Research .There he discovered some manuscript where he got confused. Bahais pay lip service to this through the principle of independent investigation of truth. The following is a list of notable ex-Baháʼís who have either converted to another religion or philosophy, or became non-religious. I attended many Baha’i programmes inside and outside Egypt. In fact, I find more openness to questions than I ever found growing up as a Methodist Christian. 8 Veterans & Ex-CIA Agents Explain Their Decision To Run For Office In A Must-See Video. very faith was questioned when they asked some questions. He showed no interest in seeking position or prominence. Roughly eight years ago, investors Mark Kvamme and Chris Olsen left Silicon Valley to open a venture firm, Drive Capital, in Columbus, Ohio. Thanks and have a nice day. Just as the physical sun shines on the world, so the light of God is shed upon all Creation. Baha is a technology that combines a sound processor with a small titanium fixture implanted behind the ear. Perhaps if Baha'is were less focused on teaching, and less overwhelmed by the weight of all their other activities, they could do more in the way of community service, which they are enjoined to do by the Writings. There is very specific information on how you are to interact with the representatives in Washington. As a young man, rather than pursuing a career in government service as His father had done, Mirza Husayn-‘Alí chose to devote His energies to the care of the poor. A lots of discussions and a lot of friendship. With each decision, you want them to recognize whether their decisions were good or bad and that they're responsible for the consequences of their decisions… Many employees are forced to make complex decisions routinely as part of their job description; sometimes these decisions have to be made under intense pressure. It's so weird how people want to intervene - I get that it's compassion but it makes me sincerely laugh at the clear "Baha'is are superior" act. Visit our Marketing Theories Page to see more of our marketing buzzword busting blogs. When an ex reenters your life, it’s you who gets to decide what type of relationship (or lack thereof) that you want to have with this person. The number … I stopped every activity and i refused every call for every group prayers and i demanded to eliminate my name during the vote session. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. That’s essential when a decision directly affects your children, for example decisions about changing school or visiting their non-resident parent. Here's a list of comments that make me laugh: I’ve had a lot of trouble coming to terms with no women being allowed in the UHJ, but it isn’t necessarily going to be like that forever. Or you have been asking very simple questions. Why Baha’u’llah family was divided into “true believers” and “covenant breakers” ? The words of Allah and the practice of the prophet are sufficient for us. https://circleh.wordpress.com/2007/10/19/why-i-quit-the-baha%E2%80%99i-faith/, March 2006, philosophy and religious studies Professor Dann May[6] and his wife[7] Phyllis E Bernard, current Robert S. Kerr Jr. The NSA of USA is asking the Baha'is and all people to call their representatives in Washington to support a resolution that condemns the oppression of Baha'is in Iran by the Islamic government. With His acceptance of the religion of the Báb, life permanently changed for the young nobleman and Hi… All Baha’is, we explained, were only trying to follow Baha’u’llah’s teachings as best they could. By Joseph D. Lyons. This will require the reduction of oral argument, the improvement of written argument and, essentially, the presentation to judicial ofSicers by the parties of succinct written material which can be adapted readily to provide the basic framework of a judicial opinion. Remember that Baha’i Faith originated from their Country. And why Shoggi Effendi forced out the majority the Baha’u’lallah family? Its participants must come together in a prayerful attitude, seeking assistance from the Realm of Glory, expressing their thoughts freely, surrendering all attachment to their individual opinions, and giving fair-minded and careful consideration to the views of others, in an effort to reach consensus. God, the Creator of the universe, is all-knowing, all-loving and all-merciful. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. comments may be found scattered around this website. Ils s’organisent autour de plus de 100 000 centres (répertoriés par le centre mondial de Haïfa) à travers le monde. The concept is extended to explain some of the motives of interest groups and political institutions in a democratic state. January 12, 2013 Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Many other ex-Bahais have explained their decision. Thanks for your confession and thanks for sharing with us your journey. Unfortunately, for some reason, Bahais are so much in love with the UHJ that they are unable to see through it flaws – its lack of authority, it playing the role of a clergy even while denying the role of any clergy in Bahai Faith, its violation of human rights by banning anybody with a dissenting voice…I can go on, but these should be sufficient for you. Bahá'í religion may be unique in the way that it accepts all other faiths as true and valid. He said as a Baha’i you should learn about what the Universal House of Justice requires of you, and what the required objectives and goals of the current five year plan. In contrast, Kant stated that everyone has the freedom to make their own decisions, but that they have the right to not be injured also. Reference is made to the motives of ‘reward' and ‘loyalty' among interest groups and political institutions when making policies and law. This pithy little maxim was first coined by the British politician and prime minister Benjamin Disraeli, and adopted as a motto by many other high-ranking Brits — from members of royalty, to navy admirals, to fellow prime ministers Stanley Baldwin and Winston Churchill. One can only find fault if one is not well read in the Covenant of Baha’u’llah and I would say that your friends were trying to give you good advice! Therefore, corporate decision making process is the most critical process in any organization. Ex-Baháʼís or former Baháʼís are people who have been a member of the Baháʼí Faith at some time in their lives and later disassociated from it. En 2011, cette religion met en avant dans ses documents le chiffre de 7 millions de membres appartenant à plus de 2 100 groupes ethniques, répartis dans plus de 189 pays [4], [Note 2]. I started my own investigation, as Baha’i faith which takes pride in Principle of “Independent Investigation of Truth”, started reading history which made for me more and more questions. Decisions this person makes have the same legal power as if you had made the decisions yourself. Ironic, considering that many Baha’is have non-Baha’i parents who may even be racist, and thus object to their children marrying members of a different race. Your children. 3) Is this principle rational and logical? Supreme Court justices have announced their reasons for ruling that three former Labour MPs accused of fiddling their expenses were not protected by parliamentary privilege. He started asking questions related to them and as a result the UHJ asked him to leave immediately. However, when applying this to decisions that affect large sections of society they still may not be moral. Never complain; never explain. I found my self really close to this faith and why not being part of this amzing call ? Decision definition is - the act or process of deciding. are giving support to their Bahá’í friends and neighbors by patronizing their businesses or protesting their expulsion from schools. I was born in a muslim country and i found that the major religion here is just a fake one. It contrasts with the concept of the "black box" in machine learning where even their designers cannot explain why the AI arrived at a specific decision.XAI may be an implementation of the social right to explanation. He said that you should know that “The expansion and consolidation are twin processes that complete one another, and this understanding will definitely help you conducting children’s classes, junior youth circles, devotionals meetings. They’re the sons of the new messenger and they must know Baha’ul’allh will! The UHJ does not want you to know why Abdul Baha said in the Will and Testament “That Guardianship and Universal House of Justice are twin Institution.”, You should know the sacrifices of Persian Baha’is in Iran and always be humble in front of them. You are woefully mistaken about the guardianship. There are two possibilities for your situation: And sory for my bad english. Abdu’l-Baha with Baha’is in Paris, France (1912) Then in Europe, before he returned home, Abdu’l-Baha spent some time with the people of Paris. bahai is not what they say it is. A lot of new questions! Mr. Sabri had been hurt quite strongly during his tenure as the HEAD of Socio-Economic Development Project of the UHJ. Search for "Baha'i Election Scams" on this blog and read the stories with proofs. The participants are instructed, How to go about spreading of the Baha’i Faith in those countries where the Baha’i Faith is Banned like Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Yemen Bahrain etc.. Till now you might have got some idea about the acronym, abbreviation or meaning of BAHA. Baha’is claim that the Universal House of Justice is infallible. Women are NOT allowed to be elected to their top position (UHJ) but they advertise themselves as gender equality promoters. He spoke at several large public gatherings, in churches and to entire schools of theology, explaining and defining the new teachings of the Baha’i Faith, with a special emphasis on what differentiates it from the Faiths of old. I’m sorry that this was your experience. If you search the Internet for ex-Bahais, and read their stories, you will find a significant number of them who left the Faith because their Bacquet, My Life in the Baha'i Community. It's a fact of nature that people want the things they can't have, therefore once your ex believes that he/she can't take you back whenever, your ex will want you more than ever. The stupidity of that idea should be obvious. These decision makers are usually entrusted with decisions that are unstructured because of their experience or expertise; it is their individual ability that is of value. Today you see in the UHJ in the ITC and CBC a majority of the Baha’is are Persians. Hi. The decision of whether or not to get back with your ex isn't an easy one, and it's not always a good idea. The prophecy of Abdul Baha that guardianship would continue in the progeny of Shoghi Effendiu came undone because Shoghi died childless. These conversations made me realize two things, which motivate this blog: (1) I never really had to explain before why I left the Faith, so now sometimes I’m at a loss how to articulate my reasons. 2. And that’s not what i found. So why the schism began there ? The Baha'i faith was founded in the mid-19th century C.E. Ask a tough question and get kicked out – that is the mantra of the Bahai Faith. It looks somebody is poisoning your mind. He was very critical about the Persian UHJ members like Mr. Fatheazam and Ali Nakhjawani whom he believed dominated the UHJ proceedings and is in private contact with the Secretary of NSA of every country. I’ve never seen or experienced the hostile treatment that you describe, but rather further encouragement of one’s independent investigation of truth, with loving knowledge and guidance offered. That’s what lead me to declare my faith and be a baha’i member. The Consumer or Buyer Decision Making Process is the method used by marketers to identify and track the decision making process of a customer journey from start to finish. Don't Change Their Mind. But for me it was not a satisfactory answer. They talk about unity but gay marriage is forbidden and gays are considered sick. Just as the physical sun shines on the world, so the light of God is shed upon all Creation. Thank you for writing to the Bahai Insider. Types of Decision-Making Skills . Once we realized her insecurity, we told her about our own similar feelings, and how becoming a Baha’i was a process of learning and growing—and that no Baha’is were anywhere near perfect. 8 Veterans & Ex-CIA Agents Explain Their Decision To Run For Office In A Must-See Video. Ex-Referee Marcello Nicchi: “Referees Could Explain Their Decisions If The Climate Becomes Calm & Peaceful” November 19, 2019 22:30 Former Italian referee Marcello Nicchi discussed the usage of VAR in Italy and refereeing in general at the meeting organised by the Italian football federation in Rome today, with Italian media outlet TuttoMercatoWeb noting his words. We then show that neither institutional fea-tures of the mortgage market nor financial innovations are any more likely to explain those wrong beliefs than they are to explain the Dutch tulip bubble 400 years ago. It was okay, and i was proud of my self. Change Their Mood. Serve America/YouTube . When it comes to business organizations, decision making is a habit and a process as well. A decision tree is a mathematical model used to help managers make decisions. See more. Two years passes preaching the name of Baha’u’allh, the peace and my new faith. Born in Tehran, Iran on 12 November, 1817, Mirza Husayn-‘Alí enjoyed all the advantages conferred by noble birth. The first stage of the process is working out what exactly you or the customer needs. Roy Hilbinger We Only Fool Ourselves, August 29, 2008, BAHA'I A Field Guide to the Faith by MrDonut. There is no exception about that. Managers are paid to make decisions, but they are also paid to get results from these decisions. Can there be a more evident truth than the word of Allah and His Messenger. While we employ a number of different decision-making strategies, we also often fall prey to a number of common fallacies, biases, and other decision-making problems. My youngest daughter was trying to read to her mom for an assignment for school and kept getting distracted by a TV that was on. For example, as a baha’i i belive in the Bab and i can only have some compilations of his writings, why ? However, being part of the community didn’t affect my reader side. The LSA of the Baha'is of Arlington. Then again, maybe what's really needed is a change of heart -- away from growth as a primary goal, and towards love and compassion for all people regardless of their beliefs. I was agnostic for a long years untill i found the Baha’i faith on the web. Decisions for the future. What does BAHA mean? Decision criteria are principles, guidelines or requirements that are used to make a decision. Guess what? in Iran. Mr. Sabri went on to say these Persians are very very clever. Everyone involved with the decision must know his or her role in ensuring a successful outcome. The competitive urgency to use HR analytics isn’t new; however, in the past two years there has been an increased understanding that workforce intelligence is not just about making HR better, it’s about making the business better . Allah reminds in the Quran about using one’s intelligence to distinguish between right and wrong. All these tumultuous times came about by people not following Gods word, this had been foretold in all the Holy Scriptures of the past. We all had failures from time to time, and that was alright. They can make it easy to see that all possible combinations of conditions have been considered and when conditions are missed, it is easy to see this. I had put my Baha’i life behind me and didn’t think much about it until recently when I had some conversations with Baha’is about leaving the Faith. There is no exception about that. From a very early age, He displayed extraordinary knowledge and wisdom. But sometimes, things work out, and you might end up happier than ever. At least I will feel no responsibility on my soul by hiding the truth, rest they them self can do “Independent Investigation of Truth”. Change ). ( Log Out /  I would say that “ask a question and get kicked out” is definitely not the mantra of the Baha’i Faith. their decisions in a fixed order; each person moves knowing the choices made by those before her but not the information these choices were based on. This teacher’s name is AJ Miller from Australia and all his stuff is free. Suddenly I realized my meeting with Mr. Hasan Sabri after his second marriage to Ms Isabel in UK. Thank You . The UHJ then assumed the postion of guardian even though it had no authority for the same. Types of Decision-Making Skills . their decisions in a fixed order; each person moves knowing the choices made by those before her but not the information these choices were based on. A six-year-old female grizzly bear was shot and killed near Valier, Mont. Having read Will and Testament many times, it was a question in my mind that why Shoghi Effendi has not left any Will appointing another Guardian, while Will and Testament says that “It is incumbent upon a Guardian to appoint another Guardian during his life time”. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The 352-pound bear was brought to … This pithy little maxim was first coined by the British politician and prime minister Benjamin Disraeli, and adopted as a motto by many other high-ranking Brits — from members of royalty, to navy admirals, to fellow prime ministers Stanley Baldwin and Winston Churchill. In my mind i’m not baha’i but they’re my friend and don’t want lose them. How to use decision in a sentence. Shoghi did not nominate any successor after him because of which many divisions occurred in Baha’i faith. He is the Interpreter of the Word of God and after him will succeed the first-born of his lineal descendents”. Many other ex-Bahais have explained their decision. Lots and lots of born Baha'is leave for those reasons. Many other ex-Bahais have explained their decision. Karen Oct. 10, 2018. Therefore employers need to know that the people they recruit can take the initiative when required and make good decisions in important situations. Therefore, corporate decision making process is the most critical process in any organization. Effective and successful decisions make profit to the company and unsuccessful ones make losses. Thanks for the comment. Baháʼís who are not in good standing, having lost their administrative rights for some transgression, are not considered ex-Baháʼís. You’ll often need to involve your children too. 1. He said that asking such questions will force UHJ of depriving you of your voting Rights or declare you a Covenant Breaker. By Joseph D. Lyons. Effective and successful decisions make profit to the company and unsuccessful ones make losses. Set two main goals for the Baha'is: 1) that its various national and local bodies evolve from a loosely knit conglomeration of semi-independent units into a unified and coordinated administrative system and 2) that the Baha'i faith establish itself as an independent religion . The simple answers don’t fit with me and i must be prepared to every question buy the truth seekers i wa charged to share the faith with them. There are no conspiracies or hidden ad-genders. We'll use the following data: A decision tree starts with a decision to be made and the options that can be taken. Mr. Sabri went on to say these Persians are very very clever. There is No Free Elections. See ... Jenifer Tidwell to The LSA of the Baha'is of Arlington. We are not in need of any new teachings. You should learn about the various institutions and their role in society and in the Baha’i world, and your role in obeying them, and to devote your time for teaching the Baha’i Faith. I asked to one of counselor (who happened to be in Egypt as teacher for the core group) that who was Badiullah and titled as Ghusn Noor, to my surprise he turned speechless and started asking me, From where you got such questions? According to many Learned Ex-Baha'is the UHJ of Today is actually a Bunch of "Covenant Breakers" who are controlling this cult. All religions have the same spiritual foundation, despite their apparent differences. Whether you manage a small team or are at the head of a large corporation, your success and the success of your company depend on you making the right decisions—and learning from the wrong decisions. Baha'i faith seeks to retard the social development of it's members, while claiming the opposite. He doesn’t want allegiance, or to make laws or decisions for anyone. Let's look at an example of how a decision tree is constructed. I realized that these programmes have a very specific aims planned by UHJ and implemented by the Core group members of that Country. ex tempore decision-making. The number … It was so stunning the first time, good principles and really good explanation for the majority of the contradictions in Islam. is explained earlier. Definition: Decision tree analysis is a powerful decision-making tool which initiates a structured nonparametric approach for problem-solving.It facilitates the evaluation and comparison of the various options and their results, as shown in a decision tree. And I have loved religion all my life and been a Baha’i for 35 years! It wasn’t an easy decision. Thanks a lot, i’m waiting your reaction for this long comment. Read more: http://bahaileaders9.blogspot.com, About imranshaykhI am a student of comparative religion with a special interest in Islam and The Bahai Faith. Many documents are missing, the same books are in circulation with many limitations. See ... Jenifer Tidwell to The LSA of the Baha'is of Arlington. Badiullah was the youngest son of Bahaullah and the half brother of Abdul Baha. Their Baha’i Faith is the Gift of Iran to the world. No Guardian could be appointed as there was no Child born to Shoghi ex baha'is explain their decision the concept is extended Explain... Rights for some transgression, are not considered ex-Baháʼís a daily activity for any human.! Years studying Baha ’ is like Bassa Mousa but could not get any satisfactory.! Had no authority for the majority the Baha ’ i faith is the most critical process in organization! Mr. Hasan Sabri after his second marriage to Ms Isabel in UK behind ear... - check your email address to subscribe to this faith and be a member of this Body... A little worse for wear and we acknowledged the need for a new pair we Fool... 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