Spread the resurfacer until it's between 1/8 and ¼ inch thick. Whether it is a garage, kitchen or activity room, you can create a hard wearing surface that suits your requirements and style. Fast Setting Concrete Mix Browse photos of exterior resurfacing projects and find out what products were used to achieve the look. A … NOMIX PostSet, 5000 Plus Concrete Mix It is critical that the concrete surface is cleaned of all loose debris. Self-Leveling Sealant Gray. Download Documents. CG-86 DOT. Sika’s Concrete Repair Solutions Have Many Benefits We provide all necessary products for the technically correct repair and protection of concrete. We’ll send you all the products including three layers of Texture Coat and our famous WB Sealer. High Strength Concrete Mix, Crack Resistant Concrete Mix Using a squeegee, pull the material across the concrete surface to spread it evenly. Get expert answers to common questions about concrete overlay problems. Featured Concrete Restoration & Repair Products: MEADOW-PATCH SMOOTH-GRADE. Don’t worry about anything else. Using a power drill and a mortar or paint mixing paddle, mix for a maximum of 3 minutes to achieve a workable mix and allow the material sit for 1 minute. After preparing the surface, a concrete overlay (or coating) is applied to the existing concrete. High Heat Mortar Section off work areas no larger than 144 square feet (13.4 square meters). SUNDEK has many resurfacing products that can be customized with a variety of colors, textures, patterns, and masonry effects. The best concrete resurfacers offer flexibilty when it comes to application and finishes. Concrete Resurfacing Products, Inc. is a proud Installer and Georgia Distributor of Stardek Products. Home Repair Concrete Repair Concrete Resurfacing & Screeding Home Repair Concrete Repair Concrete Resurfacing & Screeding. Megamix II + Bio-San contains bioactive mineral solids that provide … Choose up to 4 products for side‑by‑side feature comparison. PRO-X180 Rapid Strength Concrete Mix, Countertop Mix Once your order is placed we’ll send email you all the tutorial videos and pertinent shipping information for your kit. It’s essential that control joints and expansion joints are maintained. Premixed blends for easy installation. Patch Cracks. Comparison Chart of Overlays and Resurfacing Systems: Answers to Common Questions About Concrete Resurfacing: Reducing Bond Failures Caused by Moisture-Vapor Transmission, Find concrete resurfacing contractors near me, Ability to withstand heavy foot traffic found in commercial or retail applications. Our unique services and products are the ideal solution for top coat and repair of: Keep in mind that the resurfacer you choose is only as good as the concrete you apply it to. Dampen concrete surface bringing it to a SSD (Surface Saturated Dry) condition before applying Flo-Coat Concrete Resurfacer. DAP 300ML, Slate Gray, Polyurethane Waterproof Concrete Sealant (7) Special products and systems are available for use across many types of structures and for concrete repair in … Cement, Concrete and Mortar (66) Sands and Aggregates (32) Patching Compounds (103) Concrete Reinforcement Materials (39) Concrete (1) Lime (2) Moulds and Form Tubes (32) Driveway Repair (10) More ways to shop ECO Products (3) Unlike other cement products, it is designed to be applied in very thin coats (no more than 1/2 inch thick), and its additives provide good adhesion to an existing slab. Suitable for interior and exterior concrete in residential and commercial applications subject to foot and vehicular traffic. MEADOW-PATCH SMOOTH-GRADE is a single-component, polymer-modified, cement-based, sands-free material used for achieving an ultra-smooth finish on precast, cast-in-place, tilt-up or… Learn More. Using a squeegee, pull the material across the concrete surface to spread it evenly. Concrete Repair & Protection. … Ontario’s Pros of Rubber Surfacing and Decorative Concrete Coatings Specializing in: Pool Deck Resurfacing, Rubber Surfacing, Epoxy Coating, and Decorative Concrete Coatings. Pour the mixed product onto the properly prepped concrete surface. A concrete resurfacing mortar, modified with high-performance polymers to provide exceptional bond strength. Compare Products. Paver Base Sand AVOID A SOUPY MIX. If you … Clean and Prepare the Surface. The Quikrete 40 lb. Using an old towel, wipe the squeegee to remove all material prior to finishing. Decide which of these characteristics are most important for your project, before purchasing resurfacing material: Additionally, different resurfacers can be applied at different thicknesses. Concrete Resurfacing Products. Remove all loose and foreign materials such as sealers, paints, curing compounds or glues. Mason Sand For a slip … Mix for about 5 minutes until a lump-free pourable consistency is achieved. Countertop Mix Compare popular resurfacing products such as microtoppings, spray-downs and more. QUIKRETE® Concrete Resurfacer is a special blend of Portland cement, sand, polymer modifiers and other additives designed to provide a shrinkage compensated repair material for making thin repairs to sound concrete which is in need of surface renewal. Let's Build Something Amazing. It can be used over the surface of existing concrete to produce a new wear layer as well as to fill in small surface defects, such as spalls and gouges. Overcrete Concrete Resurfacing Compound is available in the base colours of ivory, white and grey. Flo-Coat Concrete Resurfacer can be colored and can also be spray applied*. Our internal concrete flooring products provide limitless design and flexibility. Stampable overlays that allow you to add imprinted texture to existing concrete. Use weather stripping or duct tape to prevent the … Sign up to receive our quarterly newsletter. Additionally, the concrete must be properly prepared before application and when mixing product you must follow the manufacturer's instructions. The extensive polymer flooring range is ideal for both domestic and commercial use giving a smooth seamless finish. Watch Bob Harris demonstrate how to apply overlays with the proper tools. Prior to application, fill any cracks larger than 1/8” using Flo-Coat mixed to a trowel grade consistency. Get a free quote from a SUNDEK contractor offering concrete resurfacing near me. Find concrete resurfacing contractors near me. From Brickform. A concrete resurfacer can be used to beautify concrete and make it look new without having to replace the concrete entirely. CG-86 DOT construction-grade grout is a non-gaseous, non-shrink economical grout. Concrete resurfacer is a special cementitious product that blends ordinary Portland cement, fine sands, polymer modifiers, and other additives aimed at providing adhesion. When resurfacing outdoor areas, like a concrete driveway, you may need a different type of resurfacing product than when resurfacing indoor areas, like a garage floor. Find our locations. Help & Advice. You should also consider turnaround time when picking the best product. Compare Products . Featured Product: Flo-Coat® Concrete Resurfacer. The ½- to ½… Contact us. This calculator is based on a 3/8" mortar joint. Need professional help? Mix Concrete Resurfacer according to instructions on the bag. All yields are approximate and do not include an allowance for waste, uneven subgrade or any other variations from the joint size and brick and block sizes noted above. Complete line of resurfacing products and tools, Spray down, knock down or cool deck finishes. The top-selling concrete repair product is the Sikaflex 29 oz. A 2,500 psi pressure washer will remove most contaminates. SAKRETE concrete topping & resurfacing products offer an easy-to-use, cost-effective alternative to concrete replacement and will restore your concrete surfaces to a like-new finish. Get pointers for choosing the best resurfacing product for your application. Calculated results will reflect how many bags are needed for Block and Brick. Some resurfacers are ready for use in as little as 24 hours, which is important for businesses and public spaces. PRO-X180 Rapid Strength Concrete Mix, Polymeric Paver Sand Paver Base Sand, All Weather Blacktop Patch This product contains real stone, creating a beautiful, natural stone look. Repair & Resurfacing. The calculator will then tell you the number of bags you need based on the different size of bags we carry. Look for a product that is sprayable or can be trowel-applied. That's why we pledge to offer reliable service on every concrete restoration job we undertake. If the mix is too thick, … The final surface comes in many different patterns and textures and millions of color combinations. Repair Mortars. Copyright 1999-2021 ConcreteNetwork.com - None of this site may be reproduced without written permission, How to pick the best concrete resurfacer for covering surface imperfections, or turning a plain slab from drab to fab. Discover seven rising trends in the overlay industry from ConcreteNetwork.com’s new e-book. Note: Excessive water reduces strength and durability and can cause cracking, dusting or scaling to the resurfacing material. CONCRETE RESTORATION PRODUCTS The most common products for restoring outdoor concrete are: Fillers and patches that help repair cracks and other damage prior to resurfacing. Look for a product that is sprayable or can be trowel-applied. Flo-Coat Resurfacer may be applied from feather edge to 1/2” in thickness. Patch concrete in just 20 minutes. Mortar Mix Type N Quikrete Commercial Grade Vinyl Concrete Patcher is a multi-purpose concrete repair material; Strong adhesive properties; Trowels to a feather edge of 1/16" (1.6mm) Made of a special blend of exterior-grade vinyl resin, fine sand and Portland cement; Just add water; Size: 10 lbs (4.5 kg) Quick View Quick View Quick View. Continue mixing to a lump free pourable consistency, mixing small amounts of water as needed to achieve a flowable consistency. Mortar Mix Type S, Fine Plaster Sand Concrete Repair The ARDEX Concrete repair range offers essential products for the professional tradesman, allowing for the rapid, non-structural repair of concrete, renders, and screeds. Leveling Sand Easily select the square footage of concrete needing repaired. (Ex. All values are required and must be written numerically with decimals. The tack coat will seal the damaged concrete and create a key between existing concrete and repair materials. Ideas and new product releases each month! After the surface is clean, inspect the concrete for any deep cracks or spalling. Ideal for fast repairs to concrete sidewalks, curbs, driveways, floors, steps, parking garages, loading docks, highway structures, pre-cast units and concrete pipe. Fast Setting Concrete Mix Get tips for giving unsightly concrete a complete makeover with resurfacing. This Concrete Repair Kit will fix it. Large concrete slabs are typically divided into sections by expansion joints, which help control cracking. Tap the squeegee periodically to remove excess material. Whether the concrete is cracked, heaving, spalling or just plain boring looking, a resurfacing system exists that can make the surface look like new again. Don’t Replace - Simply Resurface! Results will change if form of measurement is updated. 2, 2.25, or .5), Sand Mix For a successful concrete resurfacing project, proper surface preparation is critical. Fast Setting Concrete Mix, 5000 Plus Concrete Mix Enter the number of bricks (8" x 2" x 4") or blocks (8" x 8" x16") in the box below that you plan to use for your project. Flo-Coat® Concrete Resurfacer – Polymer modified concrete resurfacing material requiring only the addition of … The Golden Select Concrete Resurfacing Kits are the ideal product to refresh your old concrete surfaces. Fast-Setting Repair mortars. Contact us and view our privacy policy, terms & conditions, and press room. However, concrete resurfacing products with Semco will not only last as long as new concrete, it is designed to last longer without cracking or wear. Some projects call for a very thin layer of material, while others require more material to level or even out the concrete surface. It is also nice if the material can be integrally colored and used with stencils or masking tape to create unique designs. We will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. Concrete Resurfacer is a polymer modified Portland cement based product designed for making thin layer repairs to and restoring the appearance of existing sound concrete surfaces. Contact our friendly and professional Technical Advisors for expert help and advice for your project. Post Setting - Round Post, Lightweight Concrete, Post Setting - Square Post, Lightweight Concrete, Post Supports and Form Tubes, Lightweight Concrete, Bonders, Admixtures, Accelerators, Sealers, Concrete Patch & Crack Repair - Trowelable, Filling a Round Hole (For Post Supports) and Filling Sakrete Form Tubes, Maximizer Filling a Round Hole and Filling Sakrete Form Tubes, Use only when the product, air, and surface temperatures are above 50. Add clean potable water and then the Flo-Coat Concrete Resurfacer into a 5-gallon pail. It can be used on a wide variety of concrete surfaces such as patios, steps, walkways, pool decks, garages and basement floors. Creates an abrasion resistant surface. Tube Sand, Top'n Bond Concrete Patcher Polymer modified micro-topping. Flo-Coat Concrete Resurfacer can be colored and can also be spray applied*. Crack Resistant Concrete Mix, Fence Post Mix Natural Play Sand Before applying QUIKRETE® Concrete Resurfacer, prepare the old concrete surface so that the renewing layer can properly adhere to it. Resurfacing. Pour the mixed product onto the properly prepped concrete surface. Share + Concrete Resurfacing & Screeding . Most concrete resurfacing lasts anywhere from 8 to 10 years before it needs any attention. *See technical data sheet for additional instructions. Countertop Mix Traction Sand, Multi-Purpose Sand Semco surfaces were originally designed to handle high traffic areas and withstand the elements of sun, water and salt of Florida. If not removed, Flo-Coat Concrete Resurfacer will not bond properly to the concrete surface. At Oregon Concrete Resurfacing, LLC, we understand that concrete work is a significant investment. Flo-Coat Concrete Resurfacer. Many options are available to resurface existing concrete. This technic is used to prevent the surface from being slick when finished and will also help to remove any squeegee lines created when applying the product. Flo-Coat Resurfacer may be applied from feather edge to 1/2” in thickness. Available in 2 KG, 5 KG and 15 KG pails. Blacktop Patch. There are three components involved in concrete resurfacing with Overcrete products - the resurfacing compound, the cement activator, and the powder colour tint, which comes in a range of options. Resincoat tack coat is a resin adhesive primer for use before screeding or prior to use of Resincoat Concrete Repair products. The best concrete resurfacers offer flexibilty when it comes to application and finishes. Megamix products are enhanced by Xypex’s unique crystalline waterproofing and protection technology. Use SAKRETE fast-patch, a fast-setting, patch material designed for repairs that require a quick return-to-service time. The existing substrate must be sound, solid, and clean. Concrete Resurfacing is the application of a new cement based surface directly on top of any existing concrete surface. Megamix II is a thick repair mortar for the patching and resurfacing of deteriorated concrete. Sound concrete with minor flaws or cracking is the best candidate. Trowel Out the Resurfacer. It is also nice if the material can be integrally colored and used with stencils or masking tape to create unique designs. You'll also find tip on how to best choose the resurfacer system needed for your project. QUIKRETE Concrete Resurfacer is designed for thin repairs and resurfacing of concrete floors and surfaces such as driveways, sidewalks and patios up to 1/4 inches thick. High Strength Concrete Mix Once the product has been applied smoothly and evenly over the entire surface, use a broom to add texture to the surface. Resurfacing near me internal concrete flooring products provide limitless design and flexibility of a new cement based surface on. 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